Tools for Journeying
Before you listen, make sure you have 20 minutes to do the journey and leave yourself time for reflection. Be in a comfortable space with limited distractions, turn off your phone, cover your eyes if that feels supportive, and ready yourself to journey into non-ordinary reality. We recommend you get into a comfortable position either lying down or sitting with your arms and legs uncrossed, allowing yourself to fully relax.
The True Nature Journey supports the restoration of parts of yourself that have been lost due to trauma, developmental blocks, challenges in this life and your family lineage. We call it True Nature or Essential Qualities because we come in with these qualities and through or process of developing, we can lose contact with them.
You will receive support through the journey to come in to contact with your power place on the land and your benevolent helping spirits and guide. These are true teachers in non-ordinary reality.
Once you have filled in your information, the audio files, including bonus rattling and drumming files, will become available to stream on this page.